June 26, 2005

More than Zero

Today I spotted a strange new variety of Coke at the 7-11: Coke Zero. Calorie free, carb free. So, we've already got regular Diet Coke, Diet Coke with multiple flavors, Diet Coke with Splenda, and now this. What the heck, I tried it. Whoa, I had to reread the ingredients label three times before I was convinced it had no real sugar in it. This is diet Coke even my mother would like, though for my taste it's a bit too sweet. How did they make this? According to a press release I found, Coke Zero has the same ingredients as regular Diet Coke, except it has less aspartame and more acesulfame potassium.

My verdict: If you are counting calories or carbs but hate diet cola, this one is for you. If you're a Diet Coke lover, you might find it too sweet.

The Coke Zero website doesn't have much now, but I'm guessing we'll see a marketing campaign aimed at men. That's what this product is aimed at, right? People who want a diet drink that isn't called "diet."

This cries out for a taste test. Diet Coke, Diet Coke with Splenda, Coke Zero, and Tab.


At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Diet Coke fanatic, I try to mix up all the different kinds of Diet Coke. My theory is that I will poison myself more slowly that way. (For what it's worth, I do like the Spenda variety; it tastes a little bit fruity, while the stardard issue Diet Coke is more cinnamon-y and metallic. I wish they'd bring back the old saccharin variety. My favorite!) Cheerio, Diet Cokeheads!

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I volunteer to be a guinea pig in your Multitude-of-Diet-Cokes Taste Test. I've never had Tab, though. Is it good?


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