April 26, 2005

Penguins and Buffalo do not live on the same continent

Unless that continent is the US.

Baltimore residents! You can come out of your houses now. The herd of escaped buffalo has been brought under control. Repeat, the buffalo are under control. Go about your business.

I have a theory that any story becomes funny with the addition of penguins. So far, I'm right. Slide show of penguins going through airport security in Denver.


At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do note that the following day, a very large bird held up traffic in MD for over an hour. They do seem to have odd animal problems there. -- nic

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gay penguins would make it even funnier. -- nic

At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the eggs!!!



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