November 27, 2005

The Big Dig pt 1

Over Thanksgiving weekend, I found some old (old!) artwork at my parents' house. This is from my first drawing class in 1989. The assignment was to take a pen and ink line drawing by an old master (don't ask me who this was), and reinterpret it by shading with black and white chalk. Background is ink wash.

November 22, 2005

Final art class tonight. I thought I couldn't do ink drawing, but I can! My teacher sat down and showed me how. It took a couple of attempts, but I got it. I'm so proud. :)

I can't believe the class is over! what will I do?

November 12, 2005

Fun with chrome and charcoal

Today's masterpiece. I recently started taking drawing class for the first time in, oh, ten years or so. I'm definitely rusty, but so far I'm doing better than expected. Constructive criticism is invited. Of the ones I've posted, which do you think is the best?

All drawings are charcoal on paper, and each one took about two hours. You can probably pick out where I was in the drawing when time ran out.

In the drawing below, I want to point out that I drew the flower using only my eraser, and I like how that turned out.

November 10, 2005

Recent sketches