February 21, 2006

Studies in composition

These are small (1-3") sketches that we did in class to practice composition. Out of a table full of small objects, we drew picked out compositions and drew thumbnail silhouettes, changing familiar shapes into abstractions.

February 13, 2006

Angel 1

My masterpiece from tonight. This plaster angel is a piece of architectural salvage. He is lit from below and drawn on black paper with white pencil. The technique was a lot more enjoyable than I expected. I've looked at this drawing too long to know whether I like it. Yes, he does have an Elvis pompadour. Next week is the deadline for submissions to the student show. This might be the one I submit.

February 11, 2006

Life Drawing #1

Went to a life drawing class for the first time in about nine years. It took awhile to warm up, and my old proportion issues are still there, but I think I got something decent. This drawing was done in charcoal and took about 45 minutes. Comments welcome.